Other Services


While we do countless inspections on the jobs we manage, we also provide the same quality of service to land owners, companies, and organizations.  We are certified American Tree Farm inspectors and do work for sustainable certification programs.


 ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’ (‘Mending Wall,’ by Robert Frost)

A good property boundary line does not have to be fenced, but clear marking is critical.

Unmarked boundaries are almost an invitation for trespassing.  If your boundary is clearly marked, uninvited hunters and ATV riders can’t use the excuse: “I didn’t know this is private property …”  

Timber trespass consequences are more severe if boundaries are clearly defined.  We use state-of-the-art GPS technology to refresh your established boundaries, helping you avoid a costly re-survey. Once we have located your witness trees, iron pins, and other survey monuments, we re-mark the boundary using flagging and paint. We can refer you to one of our professional surveyor partners if your lines need to be established.


Roads and trails are often needed to access and protect forests.   A well-planned road or trail will save a fortune in maintenance and environmental costs. Unfortunately, many roads are planned using a bulldozer.  We use GIS (digital mapping), GPS, and laser technology to plan and lay out forestry roads and trails.  For more complex development roads, we work with engineers to help you get the level of planning you need.  We work with quality-oriented construction partners to serve your construction and maintenance needs. 


When you are faced with needing to get a forestry project done and don’t have the time or expertise to tackle it, you may not want to turn it over to a contractor and hope for the best.  We work with partners that specialize in every aspect of forestry management and can help you select the right contractor for the job.  Here are a few of the services we team up with partners to provide:

  • Grass seeding, mulching, hydro-seeding
  • Brush clearing
  • Timber stand improvement, crop tree management
  • Invasive plant control
  • Tree planting and site preparation
  • Stream crossing, culvert installation, bridge construction
  • Hazard tree removal
  • Wildlife habit preparation and food plots

Support Our Partners & Associates

  • Milliken Forestry
  • RLI Horizontal Logo

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    Sustainable Land Management & Forestry Services

    Our mission is to provide innovative forest resource expertise for land owners, professionals, and companies so they can realize the highest value. We strive to forge partnerships with clients and other professionals who share our values of practicing stewardship with reverence and integrity.

    Contact Us


    Office: 828.761.1896
    Direct: 828.712.4910
    Fax: 828. 634.7457

    P.O. Box 17531 
    Asheville, NC 28816 


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